Never Have To Deal With A Clogged Toilet Again Smart tips to sort that nasty clogged toilet Toilet Paper is notorious for clogging toilets. With The...
Do You Think Your Mom Brought You Up Properly?
If Your Mum Was Bringing You Up In 2015 – 2016, She Now Has Better Tools To Give You A Better Chance In Life. Admittedly, our mums had an excuse. There was nothing like The Bum Gun bidet sprayer available when we were kids. I remember ….
A Bidet Sprayer Offers Health Benefits for the Whole Family
Many people are becoming wise to the environmental impact that toilet paper has. But here we are going to go beyond the environmental impact that is associated with eliminating toilet paper. We are going to look at …
Ladies: Is Using A Bidet Sprayer Douching?
This topic is for the ladies, so guys you don’t need to continue reading.
Some might think douching is an archaic practice, but are there are some valid reasons to douche periodically?