If you're tired of feeling sluggish and overweight, following are a few tips which have massively helped me since trying to follow more...
oral health
“Why Does Your Daughter Use So Much Toilet Paper?”
Have you ever wondered why your teenage kids get through so much toilet paper? And if you have a teenage daughter, I'm pretty sure those rolls of...
9 Healthy and Nutritious Foods You Should Try
9 Healthy and Nutritious Foods You Should Try One of the biggest gripes I’ve had since starting my vegan experiment is “Oh...
Welcome Everyone to The Bum Gun Blog!!
Welcome to The Bum Gun Blog. We promise to bring you the best info in Bum Gun technology, health and hopefully have a laugh, now and then! Please leave a comment when you can.
Thank you and Happy New Year 2019!
Thank you and Happy New Year! Today is the day to say a huge thank you to you our awesome customer. On behalf of my wife and I, and our...
Upgrade Your Family’s Lifestyle and Make 2019 Their Best Ever
If you have a $10 note in your pocket and have no debt, you are wealthier than 15% of all Americans according to a recent report by the US Federal...