ou didn't work so hard all your life to get where you are today, to put up with 2nd best. Right? If you're truly honest with...
environmental disaster
RAZY BUM GUN SPECIAL OFFER!! We already offer a longer warranty than practically everyone else. Now we dropping the price for...
Stop Exposing Your Baby To Chemical Wet Wipes
If you've been following The Bum Gun Blog over the last 4 or 5 years, you'll already know my feelings about wet wipes. But lets do a quick...
What Parents Should Know About Toilet Paper
When I was driving home from a meeting late last night, I was bombarded by torrential rain! And when I say ‘torrential’, I’m not using that word for...
Is Your Toothbrush Getting a Coating From Your Toilet?
id you know studies have found that flushing your toilet can spew bathroom-related bacteria into the air? And that same bacteria...
Hygiene Benefits of The Bum Gun
I'm sure you know that cleanliness is next to godliness. However, do you think it is possible to feel 'shower fresh clean' after using toilet...