Aug 13, 2018 | Family Health, Special Offer

Ok, ok…

That’s the fifth email I’ve received in the last couple of hours saying I didn’t leave the Mother’s Day Promotion open long enough.

Well, it was open the whole of Mother’s Day, and as far as I know Mother’s Day only lasts 24 hours.

But The Bum Gun Company is here to serve you, the people…

So if you stand up and feel I’m not providing a good enough service, then I listen.

Of course, I can’t always accommodate.

But your mother’s happiness IS important.

And if you hold off buying her first Bum Gun bidet sprayer, because you missed the deadline…

Well, I wouldn’t sleep easy knowing that…

I could have just sent a private link to those 5 people who requested the extension…

But perhaps there’s more of you out there, who also missed the deadline, but didn’t contact me.

So, in order we have complete fairness, I’m opening the Mother’s Day promotion for approx. 15 more hours, until midnight tonight (UK time).

If you miss the deadline, this time, then you’ll just have to use the regular Bum Gun store.

Ok, so I’ve just opened the Countdown Timer, so you can order now.

Do your darling Mum a favour and get all over this promotion RIGHT NOW!


Take advantage of my Irresistible Offers on the Titan Bum Gun and truly make a difference in your Mum’s life today,  and forever forward!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Greg Noland

CEO & Founder

The Bum Gun Ltd

P.S Here’s that link again, just in case you missed it:

Greg Noland

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