How would you like to do something very special for your best friend or loved one this Christmas?
As you are a valued visitor to The Bum Gun website, I try my best to inform you of special offers and promotions.
And because I value your time, I need you to spend a couple of minutes to read this blog post.
I promise it will be worth your while.
You know you are a special person, right? A very smart person?
So, do you know toilet paper is NOT getting your body clean?
Toilet paper is just smearing most of “it’ off.
But you’ll NEVER get properly clean.
Don’t you work far too hard to be putting up with toilet paper in 2022?
I thought so.
And here’s the truth…
I bet you love taking a refreshing shower after getting all sweaty.
I bet you like your breath being all fresh and minty.
I bet you like having clean hands.
I bet you agree washing your fruit and vegetables before eating is important.
And I bet you don’t rub your sweaty body with toilet paper.
I bet you don’t rub your teeth with toilet paper…
And I bet…
Oh, well, you get the point.
So why are you still trying to get your private area clean in 2022 with toilet paper?
I’m sure you have tons of friends, family members and colleagues who are still struggling with toilet paper in 2022 too.
And tired of everything costing so much more.
And that’s something I want to help with.
In fact, it’s a burning passion of mine that often keeps me awake at night…
Because I think it’s completely wrong that people are still using toilet paper in the 21st century.
Yet, I don’t know the million-dollar answer to this issue.
But I do know one thing…
Since 2012, I’ve been trying to help as many people as possible discover The Bum Gun.
It hasn’t been easy.
For the past 10 years, I’ve rarely finished work before midnight…
Scratching my head how to help more people…
Mr Zuck alone has sucked over $9,870 in Facebook advertising that never saw a sniff of a positive ROI.
But I’m in this for the long haul…
And here’s the thing…
My ultimate mission is to change the way people in the west take care of their business after a no.2.
Because I want to leave the world in a better place than when I found it in 1970.
Look, I know I’m not an expert salesman.
I’m not an expert marketer. (Just ask Facebook)
I’m just a regular guy who had a very severe problem with toilet paper pain and discomfort over many years when I was young.
And I was lucky to find The Bum Gun solution whilst on a trip to Asia in the 1990s.
Now, I want to help you discover the same solution…
Because I sincerely believe everyone deserves The Bum Gun in their bathrooms.
And now we have the wretched Covid-19 to deal with, The Bum Gun is even more important.
So here’s the deal…
Because it’s Christmas, I’ve decided to create the best Bum Gun promotion ever…
The regular price of the Titan and 3 way valve is just over £100.00 landed.
But for the month of December, I want to do something very special for the people closest to you…
I will reward the first 50 people to take action with a very special deal.
The first 50 people will pay only £68 + a little bit for shipping…
This is a killer deal, and I hope you can see that.
So here’s what you need to do:
- Forward this blog post to your best friends, family members and colleagues. Add a little note encouraging them to take action.
- You can also order a Titan set for another bathroom.
- Or you can order another Titan set as a spare.
- And you can also buy a Titan bidet sprayer set as the perfect gift for anyone important to you.
I can’t stand knowing you’re still struggling with toilet paper in the 21st century…
So, I am encouraging you to invest in your Christmas pressies early.
This is your chance to make a positive difference in someone’s life.
Hit the link below to take you to the order page.
Looking forward to providing my best level service to the most important people in your life…
Order Link >>> Christmas 2022 Special Offer