Ever since I was young and started helping out in our home, my mum always taught me that the best way to clean most objects is warm water and soap. Our hands, in the shower, doing the dishes, our clothes in the washing machine, pretty much everything we wash becomes cleaner with water and soap. Except what is probably thought of as the “dirtiest” thing of all – our bums after a no.2. But for this daily cleaning habit, we are expected to just rub around some paper and expect our butt to be clean!!
Food Facts
Britain’s biggest ever ‘fatberg’ in a London sewer
Do you use wet wipes when you go to the toilet? If you do, I'm pretty sure you don't put the used wet wipe into the bin. You obviously throw it down...
8 Head Turning Facts Why Big Bums Are Awesome
Obviously we are thrilled to bits to hear that our Bum Gun bidet sprayers are hitting Hollywood, with the news Jennifer Lopez being one of our growing admirers of the bidet sprayer. And as a huge sign of respect here is our admiration to every lady with a BIG BUM.
Awesome Benefits as a Student Discovers The Bum Gun
I came across the bum gun bidet sprayer website through their twitter page and actually their facebook...
Never Have To Deal With A Clogged Toilet Again
Never Have To Deal With A Clogged Toilet Again Smart tips to sort that nasty clogged toilet Toilet Paper is notorious for clogging toilets. With The...
Do You Think Your Mom Brought You Up Properly?
If Your Mum Was Bringing You Up In 2015 – 2016, She Now Has Better Tools To Give You A Better Chance In Life. Admittedly, our mums had an excuse. There was nothing like The Bum Gun bidet sprayer available when we were kids. I remember ….