In 2020, we experienced Covid-19 all around us.
So personal hygiene had never been more important.
Mature, responsible mums were fighting over toilet paper in the supermarkets.
But the smart people realised it was time to invest in their family’s health and well-being…
And upgraded their bathrooms to the 21st century with The Bum Gun bidet sprayer.
If you missed out on this opportunity, what is stopping you now?
It’s time to provide your family with the right tools to fight bacteria.
And that isn’t going to happen with toilet paper.
Having good personal hygiene habits have never been more important.
That’s why my husband and I created the OMG Teen Series of books.
We want to help you have the right advice for your family.
Our OMG Teen Series of books are available on Amazon, or can be found with this link to our sister website:
Personal hygiene can be about washing hands properly, covering the mouth when coughing or showering regularly.
However, there’s also a social aspect to dealing with body odour, bad breath and greasy hair.
Why does personal hygiene matter, especially after Covid-19?
Nobody likes hanging out with people who smell.
And a huge problem with teens is that they can be really nasty sometimes…
I’m sure you don’t want your teen to be the centre of name calling, micky taking and even worse, bullying…
Well, they can all come about when your teen child doesn’t have a firm grip on personal hygiene.
Keeping clean is a very important part of being a healthy teen.
Just washing hands before eating and after using the toilet is a proven and effective way of fighting off germs and avoiding sickness.
Being clean and looking good is also an important way for your teenager to feel confident.
If your child’s body and breath smell great, her clothes are clean, and she’s on top of her basic personal hygiene, it can really help her feel confident with her peers.
Which all help to improve her happiness.
Link to: OMG I’m a Teen! Now What?
A Survival Guide for Teenage Girls will unlock all of your teen’s problems and propel them towards being a successful adult. The secrets and actionable tips in this teen book are guaranteed to help your child hit their targets with power and precision every time. Be it improving their relationships, doing well in school, dating or finding the right makeup advice, it is all here in this clear, practical, and riveting survival guide. What your child will learn in this book will be a pivotal point that improves their life forever.
Will your child be a success through their teenage years or just about hang on and survive?
Do you think they can overcome all the problems teen life throws at them without reading this survival guide?
It’s probably not a gamble you want to take. As a teenager, they are faced with a huge spectrum of problems. Some of them are related to peer pressure, body image consciousness, health and emotional issues, as well as balancing school work and play.
Click the link below to learn more…
Link to: OMG I’m a Teen! Now What?
Why should you help your family improve their personal hygiene?
When your child was younger, you taught her the basics of good hygiene – washing her hands, covering her mouth when she coughed, and having regular baths or showers. You had to help her with things like cleaning and flossing teeth, at least to start with.
Adolescence is a time to build on these basics. It’s a time when your child’s changing body means that his personal hygiene will need to change too. And just like when he was younger, you might need to help him at the start.
Great hygiene habits are a great foundation for a good life ahead in the teenage years. And if you have solid, honest communication with your child, it’ll be easier to discuss their personal hygiene issues that come up.
How can you help your teen improve their hygiene?
You’ve got an important role to play in making sure your child knows about how his body and hygiene needs are going to change, and in getting him ready to manage the changes. The earlier you can start having these conversations, the better – ideally, before your child hits puberty.
You can also be a great role model for your child by demonstrating good personal hygiene habits. If your teen sees you cleaning your teeth and washing your hands regularly, she’ll learn that these habits are important.
You can explain to your teen son that keeping his body clean – especially his hands – is part of staying healthy. As an example of what germs can do, you could remind him of the last time about of flu went through home or school.
Personal hygiene advice for your son
Your teen soon will need advice about shaving sooner or later, cleaning their private parts, and about bodily fluids. For example, you might talk to your son about wet dreams and how to clean up hygienically afterwards.
Teenagers do need extra time in the bathroom! While they’re learning to shave or to handle their cleaning routine, these hygiene activities might take a bit longer. You can help by being patient and giving your child a bit more privacy.
Personal hygiene advice for your daughter
Although all teenagers have the same basic hygiene issues, girls will need help to manage their periods. For example, you might need to talk with your daughter about how often to change her pad or tampon, and how to dispose of it hygienically.
One of the best devices any female can have is The Bum Gun bidet sprayer. I could NEVER live without it during my periods. I’d just feel yucky all day without it.
It’s impossible to clean properly without The Bum Gun during periods. It’s the closest thing to having a full-on shower. But way more simple.
Improving dental hygiene
Good dental and mouth hygiene is as important now as it was when your child was little, and you’ll need to keep making regular dental appointments for him. Brushing twice a day, flossing and going to the dentist regularly are vital if your child wants to avoid bad breath, gum problems and tooth decay.
Managing body odour
When children reach puberty, a new type of sweat gland develops in their armpits and genital areas. Skin bacteria feed on the sweat this type of gland produces, and this can lead to body odour (BO).
If your child washes her body and changes her clothes regularly, especially after physical activity, it’ll help to reduce the build-up of bacteria and avoid BO. Changing underwear and other clothes worn next to the skin is especially important. These clothes collect dead skin cells, sweat and body fluids, which bacteria love to eat. That’s why they get smelly.
The onset of puberty is also a good time for your child to start using antiperspirant deodorant. You can encourage your child to do this by letting him choose his own. Note that there are many products that are deodorants but not antiperspirants. These simply cover up odour. Antiperspirants stop BO by controlling the amount of sweating.
Yikes!! Controlling Smelly feet
Smelly feet and shoes can also be a problem for your child, whether she’s sporty or not. She can avoid this issue by giving her feet extra attention in the shower, and making sure they’re completely dry before putting her shoes on. It’s a good idea to encourage her to alternate shoes and to wear cotton socks instead of ones made from synthetic fibres.
Personal hygiene for pre-teens and teenagers with additional needs
Young people with additional needs are likely to need extra support with their personal hygiene. When you’re thinking about how to discuss hygiene with your child with additional needs, his learning ability and style might be a factor. For example, does he prefer to learn by listening, seeing or doing?
You could consider breaking hygiene tasks – like showering, shaving, using deodorant and cleaning teeth – into small steps. This way they might be easier for your child to learn.
If your child is in the habit of doing things at the same time each day, hygiene can be a normal and predictable part of a routine. A written schedule might also help your child remember what to do when.
If you’re finding it difficult to talk with your child about puberty and periods, you could make an appointment with your GP.
Start early – before puberty. If you keep reinforcing messages about personal hygiene, most children will get there in the end. It will help to give your loved one lots of praise and encouragement for carrying out hygiene activities.
Final thoughts on improving your family’s personal hygiene…
As you can probably remember, the teen years can be tough, very tough. If you were lucky enough to have no problems growing up, then wow, awesome. You’re so lucky and definitely in the minority.
However, through the research my husband and I did for the OMG Teen Series most people have quite a few problems through their teenage years. I know I did. Lots of them.
And I don’t want your child to have to go through those same problems, when often it’s just having the right advice available.
If you’ve got a teenage daughter perhaps give my best-seller OMG I’m a Teen! Now What? a shot!

Cristina x
PS: My husband is running a special promotion to help your family improve their personal hygiene. Use the link below to grab the Titan bidet sprayer at the best price…
Order Link >>> The Bum Gun Promotions Page